Change of Kingdoms
You are dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11). Understanding this gospel fact is the first step to fighting back against sin.
Play Strong Defense
Don't be passive in fighting sin. In the battle against sin, you must play strong defense.
Play Stronger Offense
In the battle against sin, we don't need to just play defense - we must learn to play even stronger offense.
Law of Habit
Killing sin requires killing sinful habits.
Law of Replacement
To grow in holiness, we can't just be content with killing sinful behavior; growing virtue is as important as killing sin.
Zero-Tolerance Attitude
The only way to fight any one sin, is to fight all sin.
Be All-in
If you're going to kill sin you have to draw a circle around the whole of your life and label all of it the battlefield against sin.
Be Diligent in the Fundamentals
Killing sin begins with the mundane, not the extraordinary.